
In this article, I would like to document my blogging experience. After writing and distributing articles for a long time, I kind of set up a framework when it comes to distributing articles. From idea to pushing the spread button. Of course, this structure is constantly evolving, and over time I have tried to change it to suit my needs.



It's simple, the idea comes from a self-learning process. Whenever I find myself in a situation where I don't understand certain concepts, I first try to fully understand the topic. And when I reach a certain level of understanding, I try to describe the concept in my own words. So that I can understand when I look at this next time.

This means that I primarily write articles for myself only. And if my articles are useful to someone, it will be an additional bonus!

Article writing

I use VS Code to write articles because i prefer to write articles with Markdown, Jupyter notebooks and Latex, in my opinion, VS Code offers a few very useful plugins. To get started on a new article, all I have to do is create a blank .md or .ipynb file and start writing.

Latest vscode supposrt .ipynb files out of the box.

I use a VS Code extension called Markdown All in One, which adds some important things like keyboard shortcuts, table of contents, auto preview, linter, and more when it comes to Markdown.

Article checking

When the article is written, I go to grammarly.com and paste the entire article to check spelling and grammar errors. On top of that, it also offers alternative words and unnecessary word removal, which can make reading enjoyable.

In the past, I didn't care much about my articles being grammatically correct. But over time, I realized that this is important for the reader. So, this important step has entered my workflow.

Article publishing

At the moment, everything is in place and the article is ready for publication. A simple git push is enough to post the article in my case, since I have hosted my blog on GitHub pages and it starts a new build every time I push to Git.

I described this automation in next article.

After the code is published, it will take around 20 seconds for the article to appear on the blog and for the atom feed to update.

For a full-fledged repost on social networks in the future, I plan to add automatic banner creation to the workflow.


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