To accomplish this we will change our website to use the excellent pelican-bootstrap3 theme.

The standard theme that comes with Pelican has one huge disadvantage: it does not display properly on mobile devices. To accomplish this we will change our website to use the excellent pelican-bootstrap3 theme. To view the full listing of Pelican themes click here.


  • [x] Setup the pelican-bootstrap3 theme
  • [x] Setup necessary plugins.
  • [x] Make a config file.

Start by creating a new folder called theme in the source folder.

  └── source
       ├── content
       └── theme (new)

Now we need to tell Pelican where it can find the custom theme we will be using. Open and add the following line:

THEME = 'theme'

Next, go to GitHub and download the pelican-bootstrap3 theme. Place all pelican-bootstrap3 files into the blog/source/theme folder so it looks like this:

  └── source
       ├── content
       └── theme
           ├── static
           ├── templates
           ├── translations
           | ...(more files)

To avoid errors we have to install missing plugin i18n_subsites which is used by pelican-bootstrap3 to provide support for internationalization (i.e. i18n). We must download the i18n_subsistes plugin from Github and in include it in our project. To view the full listing of available Pelican plugins click here.

Add another folder inside the source called plugins. Place the i18n_subsites folder and files you downloaded from Github into the plugins folder:

  └── source
       ├── content
       ├── plugins (new)
       |   └── i18n_subsites (new)
       └── theme

We must tell Pelican where the plugins folder is located just as we did for the theme folder. Open and add the following line.

PLUGIN_PATHS = ['plugins/', ]

A typical Pelican website will utilize many different plugins to extend its capabilities. Each plugin must be setup individually within The PLUGINS variable contains all plugins being used by the website. Open and add the following line.

PLUGINS = ['i18n_subsites', ]

The i18n_subsites plugin relies on a language called Jinja2. To properly configure the i18n_subsites plugin we must also add the JINJA_ENVIRONMENT variable to as shown below.

    'extensions': ['jinja2.ext.i18n'],

View the latest version of our website at Notice when you expand and shrink the width of the web browser window the website layout changes to fit? By selecting a theme that incorporates responsive web design principles our website will be viewable on screens of all shapes and sizes. Now that we have properly configured the bootstrap3 theme and its dependencies we can try to generate our site.

pelican content
pelican --listen

The pelican-bootstrap3 theme comes with several options to change the style of our website. To view the full list of available themes go the folder blog/source/theme/css. You will see several files with the filename bootstrap.(some name).min.css. We will be using the the bootstrap.flatly.min.css file to style our website. Open* and add the following line. Take a moment to try out some other options if you'd like to see what's available.


At this time we can also change the style for code blocks we may write in our blog posts. Pelican displays code blocks using the Pygments code highlighter. To view a full list of the available Pygments styles go to the folder blog/source/theme/css/pygments. Our website will use monokai.css to style code blocks. Add the following line to

PYGMENTS_STYLE = 'monokai'

Let's update the sidebar too with our own preferred links and social pages. You can use the websites shown below or choose your own. Update the following line in

LINKS = (('Pelican', ''),
         ('', ''),
         ('Wikipedia', ''),)

SOCIAL = (('Facebook', ''),
         ('BitBucket', ''),)

Regenerate the website to see the impact of changing the style. Not all of the changes we made to the style are apparent at this time because our website does not yet have any content. In the next postsl we will learn how to create articles and pages for our blog.


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