To avoid openssl and TLS version issue we will update openSSL on server and desktop version of Ubuntu 18.04

We will download it manually, install and make necessary file permission changes.

Let's begin with fetching the tarball from official site.

➜  wget

Next we unpack the tarball with tar and navigate to newly created folder

➜  tar -zxf openssl-1.1.1b.tar.gz
➜  cd openssl-1.1.1b/

Issue the command

➜  ./config

Issue the command make while you have gcc installed properly

➜  make

Run make test to check for possible errors

➜  make test

Backup current openssl binary

➜  sudo mv /usr/bin/openssl ~/tmp

Issue the command

➜  sudo make install

Create symbolic link from newly install binary to the default location:

➜  sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl

Run the command sudo ldconfig to update symlinks and rebuild the library cache

➜  sudo ldconfig

Assuming that there were no errors in executing steps 4 through 10, you should have successfully installed the new version of OpenSSL.

Again, from the terminal issue the command:

➜  OpenSSL openssl version
OpenSSL 1.1.1b  26 Feb 2019

Finally we have to check files and folders permission in /etc/ssl/certs/ and /usr/share/ca-certificates and change newly created file permission:

➜  sudo chmod o+rx ca-certificates.crt 

We can check openssl functionality with

➜  openssl s_client -connect <remote_server_addresss>


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