One way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is a technique for hypothesis testing. It is used to test whether the means of different group is really different.

In this notebook we will use the data-set, International football results from 1872 to 2019, which is available from the Kaggle website.

In [99]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
import seaborn as sns

%matplotlib inline'fivethirtyeight')
rng = np.random.RandomState(201910)
In [100]:
%reload_ext watermark
%watermark -v -m --iversions
seaborn         0.9.0
statsmodels.api 0.10.1
scipy           1.3.1
numpy           1.17.3
matplotlib      3.1.1
pandas          0.25.2
CPython 3.7.2rc1
IPython 7.8.0

compiler   : MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)
system     : Windows
release    : 10
machine    : AMD64
processor  : Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
CPU cores  : 8
interpreter: 64bit

We are ready to load mentioned above data-set and explore it.

In [101]:
data = pd.read_csv('results.csv')

Getting sense of The data-set.

In [102]:
date home_team away_team home_score away_score tournament city country neutral
0 1872-11-30 Scotland England 0 0 Friendly Glasgow Scotland False
1 1873-03-08 England Scotland 4 2 Friendly London England False
2 1874-03-07 Scotland England 2 1 Friendly Glasgow Scotland False
3 1875-03-06 England Scotland 2 2 Friendly London England False
4 1876-03-04 Scotland England 3 0 Friendly Glasgow Scotland False
In [103]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 40945 entries, 0 to 40944
Data columns (total 9 columns):
date          40945 non-null object
home_team     40945 non-null object
away_team     40945 non-null object
home_score    40945 non-null int64
away_score    40945 non-null int64
tournament    40945 non-null object
city          40945 non-null object
country       40945 non-null object
neutral       40945 non-null bool
dtypes: bool(1), int64(2), object(6)
memory usage: 2.5+ MB

Rebuild index as datetime from datetime column

In [104]:
data.index = pd.to_datetime(
In [105]:
DatetimeIndex(['1872-11-30', '1873-03-08', '1874-03-07', '1875-03-06',
               '1876-03-04', '1876-03-25', '1877-03-03', '1877-03-05',
               '1878-03-02', '1878-03-23',
               '2019-09-10', '2019-09-10', '2019-09-10', '2019-09-10',
               '2019-09-10', '2019-09-10', '2019-09-10', '2019-09-18',
               '2019-09-29', '2019-09-30'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='date', length=40945, freq=None)
In [106]:
(40945, 9)

There are some types of tournament presented in this data-set.

In [107]:
array(['Friendly', 'British Championship', 'Copa Lipton', 'Copa Newton',
       'Copa Premio Honor Argentino', 'Copa Premio Honor Uruguayo',
       'Copa Roca', 'Copa América', 'Copa Chevallier Boutell',
       'Nordic Championship', 'International Cup', 'Baltic Cup',
       'Balkan Cup', 'FIFA World Cup', 'Copa Rio Branco',
       'FIFA World Cup qualification', 'CCCF Championship',
       'NAFU Championship', 'Copa Oswaldo Cruz',
       'Pan American Championship', 'Copa del Pacífico',
       "Copa Bernardo O'Higgins", 'AFC Asian Cup qualification',
       'Atlantic Cup', 'AFC Asian Cup', 'African Cup of Nations',
       'Copa Paz del Chaco', 'Merdeka Tournament',
       'UEFA Euro qualification', 'UEFA Euro',
       'Windward Islands Tournament',
       'African Cup of Nations qualification', 'Vietnam Independence Cup',
       'Copa Carlos Dittborn', 'CONCACAF Championship',
       'Copa Juan Pinto Durán', 'UAFA Cup', 'South Pacific Games',
       'CONCACAF Championship qualification', 'Copa Artigas'],

The Hypothesis

Getting the sense of the score distribution in world cup related tournaments

In [108]:
fifa_wc_data = data[data.tournament.isin(['FIFA World Cup', 'FIFA World Cup qualification'])]
In [109]:
array(['FIFA World Cup', 'FIFA World Cup qualification'], dtype=object)
In [110]:
fifa_wc_data = fifa_wc_data.assign(score=fifa_wc_data.home_score - fifa_wc_data.away_score)
In [111]:
date          object
home_team     object
away_team     object
home_score     int64
away_score     int64
tournament    object
city          object
country       object
neutral         bool
score          int64
dtype: object
In [112]:
DatetimeIndex(['1930-07-13', '1930-07-13', '1930-07-14', '1930-07-14',
               '1930-07-15', '1930-07-16', '1930-07-17', '1930-07-17',
               '1930-07-18', '1930-07-19',
               '2018-07-03', '2018-07-03', '2018-07-06', '2018-07-06',
               '2018-07-07', '2018-07-07', '2018-07-10', '2018-07-11',
               '2018-07-14', '2018-07-15'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='date', length=8000, freq=None)
In [113]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
plt.plot(fifa_wc_data['score'].index, fifa_wc_data['score'].values, 'ro', label = 'Home/Away `score` in match')
plt.title("Home-Away score in match")
In [114]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
plt.title('Home-Away score distributions')
plt.xlim(-10, 10)
In [115]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
sns.distplot(fifa_wc_data[fifa_wc_data.neutral == True].score, label='Neutral venue')
sns.distplot(fifa_wc_data[fifa_wc_data.neutral == False].score, label='Home venue')
plt.title('Score distribution for each type of venue')
plt.xlim(-10, 10)
In [116]:
    [np.mean, np.median, np.count_nonzero, np.std]
mean median count_nonzero std
False 0.790199 1 5238 2.461279
True 0.119819 0 1044 2.591020
In [117]:
fifa_wc_data.groupby(['neutral', 'tournament']).agg(
    [np.mean, np.median, np.count_nonzero, np.std]
mean median count_nonzero std
neutral tournament
False FIFA World Cup 0.915254 1 96 1.972357
FIFA World Cup qualification 0.787948 1 5142 2.469257
True FIFA World Cup 0.214834 0 605 2.036136
FIFA World Cup qualification -0.016514 0 439 3.221838

We can see difference in score on home venue against neutral.


The 1 way anova’s null hypothesis is $μ_{score_{neutral}} = μ_{score_{nome}}$

and this tests tries to see if it is true or not true

let’s assume that we have initially determine our confidence level of 99.99%, which means that we will accept 0.01% error rate.

In [118]:
mod = ols('score ~ neutral', fifa_wc_data[fifa_wc_data.tournament=='FIFA World Cup']).fit()
anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(mod, typ=2)
print('ANOVA table for FIFA World Cup')

mod = ols('score ~ neutral', fifa_wc_data[fifa_wc_data.tournament=='FIFA World Cup qualification']).fit()
anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(mod, typ=2)
print('ANOVA table for FIFA World Cup qualification')
ANOVA table for FIFA World Cup
               sum_sq     df          F    PR(>F)
neutral     50.299529    1.0  12.230771  0.000493
Residual  3693.060471  898.0        NaN       NaN

ANOVA table for FIFA World Cup qualification
                sum_sq      df          F        PR(>F)
neutral     325.628045     1.0  50.677575  1.195318e-12
Residual  45608.099279  7098.0        NaN           NaN

There are two p-values(PR(>F)) that we can see here, world cup itself and qualification games.

For World Cup, we cannot accept the null hypothesis under 99.99% confident level, because the p-value is greater than our alpha (0.0001 < 0.000493). So home venue is not enough factor at final round.

For qualification, since the p-value PR(>F) is less than our error rate (0.0001 > 1.195318e-12), we could reject the null hypothesis. This means we are quite confident that there is a different in score for qualification games by venue status.


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